house Life

Hamada Shiatsu Room

place5 minute walk from A6 exit of Morishita Station

Full Body Relief Shiatsu Room

Published: June 19, 2024

※Prices are subject to change from those in effect at the time of the interview. Please contact the store directly for the latest information.


The owner Ms. Hamada frequently visited the treatment clinic when she suffered from sciatic nerve pain and autonomic nervous system disorders. She then trained in shiatsu and pelvic adjustment for about 20 years at a treatment clinic. After completing her training, she established her own salon.


Hamada Shiatsu Room

Ms. Hamada has obtained national certification as a licensed masseur, so you can receive treatments with confidence.

She had trained under a well-known professional for many years, does yoga and has an interest in mental and physical health. She’s very friendly and kind and applies strong pressure to the massages!


Hamada Shiatsu Room

The standard course includes 45 minutes of pelvic adjustment and 30 minutes on the thermal bed. Out of the 30 minutes, you can optionally add 15 minutes of intestinal massage.

Although I didn’t get the intestinal massage this time, I felt the healing power of Ms. Hamada’s hands and her genuine care for people so you can expect positive results, just like I did with the standard course.


Hamada Shiatsu Room

At Hamada Shiatsu Room, they focus on enhancing the body’s natural healing abilities. In addition to pelvic adjustment, they also offer intestinal massage. This massage is recommended not only for those suffering from constipation but also for individuals who lack appetite or energy.

In the image above, she is twisting my spine by pushing the pelvis down while pushing the shoulder back. A similar pose is done in yoga, but here, there is more opposing force. By twisting the torso, I felt it activated the intestinal region, bringing a very satisfying feeling.


Hamada Shiatsu Room

The intestines and the brain are connected, so relaxing with an intestinal massage can help alleviate hormonal imbalances and menopausal symptoms.

We also spoke about how proper nutrition positively affects the intestines and in turn, the brain. Before any procedure, a counseling session is required, so during that time you can discuss the state of your body including your organs. Some supplements are available for sale as well.


One of the unique features of Hamada Shiatsu Room is the technique of using the heel to adjust the sacroiliac joints of the pelvis. Many people might imagine that using the heel involves applying too much force, but by adjusting the angle of pressure, the appropriate amount of force is applied. This method feels more effective at reaching the core of the body compared to using only the hands.

During the session, the pressure was neither too light nor too strong. She intuitively knew how much pressure to apply. I also didn’t feel any pain or discomfort throughout the entire process. In the end, I felt relaxed, relieved and refreshed!


Hamada Shiatsu Room

With the Kotomise coupon, you can rent treatment clothes for free. The salon also sells balance control bands, which can be used for self-care.

For the treatment, it is required to wear something loose and comfortable. We spoke about how fabric impacts our wellbeing too; natural fibers such as cotton are breathable and the texture on the skin is also good. It was a great opportunity to know more about the human body!


Hamada Shiatsu Room

Hamada Shiatsu Room is a private salon exclusively for women, but they also provide treatments for men if they are family members of the clients.

Ms. Hamada focuses on women’s health first as they tend to be primary caregivers of children and their families and often have a never-ending list of responsibilities. She believes that when a woman is happy, it not only has a positive impact on her family but also the community.


Hamada Shiatsu Room

≪English Article Journalist Profile≫




・Hobbies:Sewing, DJ, Up cycling, Illustration


※Information is based on May 2024. Prices, operating hours, and other details may change. Please verify with the store directly.

※All amounts mentioned in the article are inclusive of taxes.

