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place8 minute walk from A3 exit Kiyosumi-shirakawa Station

Local Second-Hand Select Shop

Published: August 30, 2024

※Prices are subject to change from those in effect at the time of the interview. Please contact the store directly for the latest information.


Vintage Clothing Store “SixDix” (meaning ‘Six Ten’ in French)



They offer a wide selection of high-quality vintage items.

You will find various items from high-end to minor brands; all reasonably priced. The first floor has a minimal and exclusive atmosphere, but the owners are very relaxed and welcoming. The second floor has more casual items for sale while the first floor has more dressy items.



Most of the items are sourced from Europe, and many of them are from France.

I was surprised to learn that an item must be 30 years old for it to be considered vintage.



All the clothes in the store are carefully inspected and maintained after purchase.

In typical second-hand stores, the condition of the items can vary, but in this shop, every piece of clothing is thoroughly checked and maintained after purchase. As a result, customers can enjoy a high level of quality. This attention to detail is one of the reasons why this second-hand shop stands out from the rest.



There are also many elegant clothes you wouldn’t expect to find in a thrift store.

You will find luxurious designs and materials, perfect for special occasions. The charm of this shop is that you can acquire such items at a reasonable price.



One of the best things about a physical store is the relaxed atmosphere where you can find your favorite clothes. SixDix clothes are also available for purchase online.


As second-hand culture is spreading in Japan, this shop has already become popular among tourists, exchange students, and locals alike. Not only is it fun to experiment with non-trendy clothing, but it’s also much better for the environment than buying new items. As someone who almost exclusively buys second-hand, I think the quality of second-hand goods in Japan is exceptionally high. Since many items have been carefully maintained by their original owners, they are often in excellent condition.



The two shop owners were originally members of the light music club in college.

They still share a passion for music and sometimes play guitar in their free time. Their goal is to integrate vintage fashion, music, and a sense of freedom in this creative space for their customers to experience.



≪English Article Journalist Profile≫




・Hobbies:Sewing, DJ, Up cycling, Illustration



※Information is based on July 2024. Prices, operating hours, and other details may change. Please verify with the store directly.

※All amounts mentioned in the article are inclusive of taxes.


